Ceremonies and Herbal Elixirs
Infuse your next sacred gathering with the heart opening, soul nourishing and healing benefits of Herbal Medicine.
Experience the magic of Holistic Traditions Brew teas and Bespoke Herbal Blends at your next ceremony and wellness gathering.
There is a special type of magic that happens when we weave intentionally hand blended herbal blends into our sacred ceremonies. The herbs touch our heart and soul and allow us to anchor deeper into the space of ceremony, alongside the beautiful souls in circle with us. Weaving in Brew organic teas also allows a space for slowing down whilst we allow the herbs to nourish and soothe our nervous system.
Holistic Traditions Brew teas and Bespoke Herbal blends make the perfect addition to your ceremonies such as blessing ways, rites of passage offerings, sister circles, meditation and wellness gatherings, retreats and in your healing spaces. Nourishing blends such as Brew organic teas, Goddess bath and foot soak, Herbal Facial Steam and Ceremonial Yoni Steam will provide deep nourishment and healing for yourself and your ceremony participants.
Holistic Traditions only uses premium, certified organic herbs in all of our blends. You can be assured that your ceremony guests receive only the highest vibration herbs with exceptional flavor and therapeutic benefits.
It would be a privilege to nourish yourself and your guests at your next ceremony or sacred gathering. I would love to hear from you, Rebecca.